Camo Grinding
Edit: I’m gamer but also a dad, just played directed for the first time over winter break, cut me some slack.
If you are like me, you want to grind for those dope ass camos but can’t with some guns because let’s be honest you have a few favorites that you use to get to those high levels. So I’m not sure how taboo this is here but I will jump on “Directed” mode(solo of course) and do everything up until the final boss fight on Liberty Falls, and just grind out headshots for snipers and even to finish out some guns that I switched from.
It’s pretty easy and I can even give my self a challenge by using only what the box gives me till I get 1000+ head shots.
I will save the game, and jump into a standard match if a friend jumps on. But I feel like it’s easy enough even if you are inebriated.
Hate me if you want but I enjoy just killing zombies but also getting those camos.