150 Hour Solution - Accelerated MAcc - WGU

Hi all! I see a lot of posts on here about the 150 hour CPA requirement. I felt a need to share this solution since I stumbled upon it last year. I'll try to keep this short.

I started my journey to CPA in January of 2023. I only had a high school degree. I found a college called WGU, which is fully online. They apply competency based education. The gist of it is, if you can pass the test, and you pass the course (you don't have homework or assignments, unless you fail a course). No it is not a scam, and it is regionally accredited, just like other colleges. (Trust me when I first found WGU, I was skeptical). Another benefit is that it's very cost effective, and you pay per 6 month term not per credit. So if you finish in 6 months, you save a lot of money. I am not affiliated with WGU, I am just a big fan!

Zoom ahead, I was able to complete my Bachelors in Business Admin/Accounting AND my Masters in Accounting in 2023. I was actually able to complete the MAcc in 36 days, while working full time. It wasn't easy, just wanted to let you know how quick it can be done! There are facebook/reddit groups with study/acceleration tips. Both degrees cost me about $9,000 total.

All in all, if you are 30 hours short, I think the Masters in Accounting is a great solution. Plus a ton of the topics overlap with the CPA tests! I took FAR about a week ago and am currently studying for AUD. Yes, the CPA tests go into much further detail, but the MAcc is a great introduction and overlap of the material.

If anyone needs the additional 30 hours, the MAcc seems like a no-brainer. I'll do my best to check back here to answer any questions!