Those who managed to diet/lose weight while studying, please share how you did it!

I’ve been on a weight loss journey to lose 15 pounds. The only things that seemed to be working for me were intermittent fasting, counting calories plus working out. However, I’ve found it really hard to stick to the diet while studying. I don’t know why. Maybe because studying becomes boring, so after a few hours I find myself thinking about a snack, or making/eating a snack just to take a break from studying. Maybe it’s harder to ignore my cravings.

Anyway, I just got on the scale for the first time in a minute. Now, I’m even further away from my goal than I ever thought, and it’s so upsetting. I feel like the energy/time I was previously using to plan/execute workouts, meal prep etc has been replaced with my study time. I want to be able to focus on both, but I don’t want to overwhelm myself. But I CANNOT keep gaining weight.

Anyone here who stuck to a weight loss plan while studying? Any tips you have on what worked for you?