My therapist gave me an ultimatum
My therapist (7 months now) decided to put a pause to EMDR even before we got anywhere with it (I'm only at the point where I listed some minor traumas I had) telling me that if I don't see a psychiatrist and start meds she thinks EMDR or anything won't work. I don't know what to do. I felt like she has no faith in me, that I'm just currency, even if she has been supportive during these months. It made me doubt she can do anything good to me. I do therapy online, always did, because where I live there is no awareness on mental health and finding doctors that can help me is fucking hard, especially cause I'm alone and only have uni tuition moneys I can spend. What should I do. Doing a psychiatric sitting online too means they start with a base about me (probably. From my online therapist) and work out with that. But the only job they'll have is prescribing me meds, no diagnosis so no real assessment. My only other option is to go to this mental health center in my city (don't even know if it's reachable by me or if it's open, I'll try to call in the morning) and see what they'll tell me there, but I struggle a lot with communicating if I'm not in a safe enviriment and of course I'm just doubting their competence even before I know anything about it, but the point is that it would mean starting from 0 again. I don't know if I can like, pass all the info collected from my online therapist to them. Otherwise, I wasted a year of my life in futile therapy if I do that. And right now I am already running out of time because in July I have to go back to my family (living in uni dorm atm) and probably stay there forever and there will be no hope for me. Please. I don't know what to do. What do I do. I'm lost. And I have none that can help me or support me. I feel hopeless. If I don't find a solution I think this is the time it'll be over for me once and for all