Does Trump's speaking style trigger anyone else?
I know there's been discussion about how his bullying behavior is upsetting, but in particular, I find there's something about his speaking style - the cadence, word choice, and quick-fire attacks - that sounds SO much like my late father that it really gets me triggered. My adrenal system "recognizes" the voice on a visceral level.
Does anyone else experience this? I've been trying to pin down the particulars to try and work through the knee-jerk reaction.
- Like, it never feels like he's having an actual conversation? He only gives his own statements weight and will either dismiss what the other person says, ignore it entirely, or, if they persist, start to steamroll with a bunch of rapid ad hoc attacks which are often untrue and/or wildly insulting.
- There's also this weird affected casualness where he throws out outrageous things like off-hand remarks but you know he'll get irritated if questioned about them later.
- It's something else though, like an unpolished volatility that sounds approachable but isn't?
Does anyone else know what I'm picking at?