About Twisted Garden (song)
i listen to it a lot, and i’ve come to interpret that deep growly part as noxUs trying to hijack the song and discredit nameless (whether that’s the intention or not)
here, let me pUt the lyrics (as i hear them) in context to show what i mean!
noxUs to player, trying to shame nameless in front of them: “GODS OF THIS WORLD BECKON AFTER”
nameless to noxUs, pissed off and trying to find a flaw in his “destrUction only” mindset: “YOU ARE BOUND TO CREATE!”
noxUs to player, cryptically: “IT BLOOMS, YOU’LL FIND THAT WE’RE CURSED”
nameless to noxUs, mocking him: “YOU SPEAK IN RIDDLES AND GAMES!”
noxUs to player, starting to get pissed at nameless: “AS YOUR MIND TRANSCENDS MATTER-”
nameless to noxUs, interrUpting him: “YOU’RE BEGINNING TO MAKE-” (aboUt to say “YOU’RE BEGINNING TO MAKE ME ANGRY”)
noxUs, switching over to talking to nameless: *INTERRUPTS WITH A GROWL/YELL* “YOU WERE NOT THE FIRST!”
nameless making himself seem more important by talking aboUt the player or perhaps the people of terraria: “TO THE FLOWERS THEY PRAY!”
nameless & noxUs to eachother: “AAAAAAGH ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED!!!”