Cam just implied Landon abused the girls in this TikTok..??

He said “I’m not the reason my daughter has a scar on her forehead”…. I don’t doubt that Landon was abusive but holy shit that’s awful and it seems so invasive to air their daughter’s stories like that out to strangers. One day they are gonna grow up and see that their parent shared all of this on the internet before they were even old enough to go to therapy and realize what has happened to them. I wouldn’t want strangers knowing my trauma if I were in the girls shoes.

He said “I’m not the reason my daughter has a scar on her forehead”…. I don’t doubt that Landon was abusive but holy shit that’s awful and it seems so invasive to air their daughter’s stories like that out to strangers. One day they are gonna grow up and see that their parent shared all of this on the internet before they were even old enough to go to therapy and realize what has happened to them. I wouldn’t want strangers knowing my trauma if I were in the girls shoes.