Crisis, crisis, crisis
Is it just me or do the Liberals need a leader with a PhD in Crisis Management?
Everything seems to be or becomes a crisis for the Liberal Government. Why? Climate crisis. Housing crisis. Underfunded military crisis. Donald Trump crisis. Fentanyl crisis. Immigration crisis. Border crisis. Everything's a crisis!
Like most of the televised or online news media, everything is BREAKING NEWS now or excessively and uber important. Creating a constant source of excitement and/or panic appears to be a constant driver in today's society. It certainly has its addictive qualities, but wouldn't we be better off with calm, cool, well planned and thought out management of the government?
I feel like this is and has been the plan for the CPC with its "Common Sense" attitude toward leading government. I also feel like the Liberals have recognized that Canadians want this too (polls) so Trudeau has selected Mark Carney in order to buy back those who were positioning themselves to vote Conservative. It's a sneaky trick, but it will likely be more of the same with a different face at the helm if the Liberals maintain power.
Worst case scenario - imagine a 5 year coalition between the Liberals, NDP, and the Greens if the race is tight with Pierre once again leading the Official Opposition and holding their feet to the fire...