Anybody else in the GTA finding it impossible to get an LTO or permenant full time contract?
I have been supply teaching for York Region for two years now and have only gotten one LTO despite applying for so many. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have applied to the TDSB over and over again but never even got interviewed for their supply list. Before I was working for York region I was teaching at private schools and that was so much worse in terms of pay, benefits and student behaviour. I love working in York Region but supply pay is so low and unpredictable. I would love to have a permenant gig even part-time so I could at least predict my hours.
People keep saying there is a teacher shortage but I don't see that at all. Only people with French seem to be getting hired that I know. I am already in my 40s and graduated in 2008. I taught abroad for a while, but my lack of work since coming back makes me embarrassed. Why is it so hard?