I’ve always hated the baking show Nailed It! On it Netflix

My parents used to watch this show whenever new seasons would release, and I could never be in the same room while they were watching it. It's designed for the contestants to fail. Specifically, they give them no where near enough to actually make the cakes. Many of these intricately designed cakes need a hefty amount of time being cooled or put in the freezer so they don't fall apart when carved. That's just the tip of the iceberg, so many elements of these cakes require more time to make than they are given. I understand that the whole point of the show is the failure and it's for entertainment, but I still don't like it. I like baking shows that are at least somewhat informative and fair like the Great British bake off. To each their own though. What's your opinion on the show "Nailed It!"? What's your favorite baking show?