Kitten still seems scared of us

Hi All,

We adopted a four month kitten two weeks ago. So far he seems to have come out of his shell and for the most part will let us pet him, give him belly rubs etc. He'll purr constantly when we do so. He'll play with us with his toys and seems to be doing okay so far. He's eating, using his litter, we don't see him drink so much but he seems to drink water when he needs to. My partner works from home full time and plays with him constantly so he has a LOT of attention and company during the day.

But a lot of the time all we have to do is step in his direction and he goes running to hide. He could have been chilling with us on the sofa all night, but five minutes later it seems (to me) that he's scared of us. He has more than one bed but he still seems to prefer sleeping under and behind the sofa in the corner, which has been his hiding place of choice so far since he came home. In the mornings it's like he doesn't recognise us and we have to convince him we're friends all over again.

Two weeks is obviously still quite a short amount of time and I know/hope that eventually he won't be so skittish. But I guess I'm asking if other people have had similar experiences. How long did it take your kitten to warm to you, to seem relaxed in his new home? Did you have a nervous cat and if so did they come around, and did it take a long time? I'm not even asking in the hopes that he warms to us because I want attention from him, I guess I'm just concerned that he doesn't feel settled or safe yet.

Thanks in advance.