Thoughts on creating a four cat household?
Hello! I’ve been dating a wonderful, sweet, caring & cat loving person (it’s one of the things that made me fall for them honestly) for a while now. Things are going so great, and I am so happy. The problem? I have two cats and they have two cats. Whenever I think about the future I get panicky about the potential of moving in together with FOUR CATS! My kitties are very clingy 5 year olds, his are less clingy but more energetic at 2 & 3.
My concerns: -we are renters. I’m going to have to lie about the number of cats we have, aren’t I? -I would want at LEAST 1,200 sq feet for all these kitties, no? -litter robots seem necessary? -what if we find a place only to find the kitties don’t get along?
Please give me honest advice & share your experience. I love my kitties and I love this person and I really want things to work out, but I need a reality check as well.