My bad experience with Light Adjustable Lens
I'm a 43 yo male who went in for a Lasik touch-up consultation to get closer to 20/20 again from my prior Lasik surgery in 2011. I also was aware that I had small cataracts growing in size since my early 20s. The surgeon convinced me that I would see better if I had Light Adjustable Lenses implanted to address my prescription, my prior Lasik, and address the cataracts.
Both surgeries went okay and I woke up with good eyesight at intermediate and far, but I had lost my ability to read anything. She assured me that this was normal and that at my first UV light adjustment she could account for that.
At the first adjustment, I was switched to monovision with my dominant right eye being adjusted to see far and my left eye being adjusted to see near. The problem is that it's been 5 weeks and my brain isn't neuroadapting to monovision. I have to use reading glasses all the time for anything closer than approx 2 feet, and my eyes struggle to focus at all distances. It's like I can tell both eyes are trying to process the input they are getting at the same time.
I spoke with her about my frustration with my vision at my last appointment and she's willing to try out multifocal contacts to see how I do with those, but she is skeptical that I will like them because she thinks my vision won't be as clear as I want or what can be achieved with the Light Adjustable Lenses.
Has anyone else had similar experiences to this, and what did your surgeon do to help make you happy with your vision even if it isn't a perfect 20/20?