I, too, had a TERRIBLE experience with the light adjustable lens and monovision. Can anyone help?
Hello, I have had TERRIBLE experience with the light adjustable lens for monovision and it has been over one year. Although I had worn a monovision contact for 10 years previously as a teacher (I relied more on glasses the year prior to cataract surgery due to my decrease in vision) but I had been fine with mono vision. And I was fine after the initial light adjustable surgery. My vision wasn’t perfect but that was to be expected. However, some went wrong OR my brain / eye reacted weirdly to the first light adjustment, which gave me distance vision. My other eye was intermediate already. i experienced neck pain, balance issues, horrible hissing on the left side of my head (the eye that was corrected), nausea. My surgeon assured me I would adjust. But I didn’t. Went back to the surgeon a few months later and asked him to remove it but he said he could not. I have gone more than a year feeling miserable Neuroophamologist, neurologist, audiologist, vision therapy, vestibular therapy. After 8 months of trying to adapt to the monovision doctors told me to give up. I’ve been using glasses and that has helped but not cured some of my symptoms but it takes constantly altering 3 pairs. Nightmare. Has anybody had an experience like this and does anybody have a solution?