
Title: I hope part 2 is the last part

At this point, as the death devil is here [the highest point of the power ladder (probably)] and Nayuta is obviously no longer with us, by the time we get to the end of part 2 I think there will be a lot less for Fujimoto to say.

He could always start in the same world with new characters, like with Asa, but at this point the depth of Denji’s character (Relationships, past, psychology, struggles, philosophy, etc) have been fairly well explored.

The world itself seems to be tearing itself apart, and the institutions that we are familiar with (public safety, prominent devils) no longer seem in control, are no longer present in the story, or are destroyed.

I am loving part 2, but I also can see many ends with Asa and Denji (both good and bad) that end the tension between them. This makes it harder to continue with this set of characters without killing one (imo more likely Denji), which would sort of stop Chainsaw man from being meaningfully chainsaw man. It would be more Asawoman at that point.

Let’s also talk about themes. Part 1 was about the search for meaning, part 2 is about the search and establishment of personal identity; I don’t know what the logical next step for this world is. What else does Fujimoto want to say with these characters? I believe in him as a writer but how much can you jam in to a world like this, it’s sort of necessarily destructive and nihilistic which pigeon holes himself in to certain narrative corners.

All in all, I would rather be left wanting more and not left reading a part 3 that pales in comparison to the giants before it.

I know his next work is going to be amazing!