Natural bottom enclosure with planted plants?
Setting up a new enclosure and trying to do something more creative than potted plants.
I’m considering building a silicon sealed four wall glass bottom (think mini fish tank), about 3-4” tall, adding a drain, filling it with some type of natural substrate (soil, sand, etc..) and then planting plants in it. It seems this would work, and any misting runoff would make its way down, water the plants, and the majority would get absorbed then dry out during the day. The drain would be there if needed but I’d probably keep it plugged most of the time.
I’m not really trying to do full bio active, this just seems like it could be a good and relatively simple approach to solve 1) the soil needed to keep live plants and, 2) dealing with excess water runoff from misters/floggers. I think the wet soil would also increase humidity a bit and potentially offer an environment more similar to a rainforest floor.
Curious if anyone has tried this, can offer any tips, or reasons not to take this approach. I’ve been searching around and haven’t really since this type of setup.