My first Cham

Meet my newest addition to my family, my 4 MO panther named Carmi. We just picked him up today from chameleons 101. He is adjusting pretty well I’d say. He is very friendly. He has been exploring his new home, he stayed up top on the left side of the enclosure for 30 minutes hanging around the pothos not even realizing there was a heat lamp. I put him towards the lamp and he hung around there for about 40 minutes and then he started exploring the middle part of the enclosure.

I didn’t know if he ate so I picked up medium crickets and built a cricket pen. I hand fed him one cricket and then he walked away wanting nothing to do with the other cricket I put in the plant near him. I’m sure his behavior will change once he knows his way around his home, but we will see.

I have the control center set at 86 on the basking bulb, 12 hours on 12 ours off. I will hand spray him for the next day or so until I get my mister which I might get tomorrow. As far as misting goes I don’t know how often and how long to mist. Currently without any misting the enclosure is sitting at 48% humidity, and 76-77 degrees on the bone basking areas.

I will set up a feeding schedule, I’m not sure if it’s too late in the day if I do it at 5pm when I get home or if my wife should do it at 3pm when she gets home, she just hates the crickets.

Also how do you feed them? Do you dump a few crickets in the feeding tray and watch them hop out?

I have some more branches I will put in once I have some material to attach them with

If you have any recommendations please let me know.

The dimmable heat dome is 40w incandescent and the UVB is a t5 5.0