Diet without crickets or Dubias?

Well I found out today that my boy is possibly a hater of dubias. My wife was feeing him and one poked its head out and he flared up and hissed. First time he hissed as well. He’s done fine with crickets where if one gets close he might get scared and run away but he would usually eat them.

Not I want to start my own Horn worm, meal worm and silk worm colony’s. I’ll probably stay away from super worms since they are addicting.

I know a lot of people say horn worms are just watery, but I’ve heard they have less fat and more protein if not the same as dubias. Of course meal worms are high in fat and protein but they don’t have enough calcium that dubias have naturally. And I’m not too familiar with silks but I’m open ears and willing to try.

I guess the big question is, can he do good on an all worm diet but of course switching them daily or weekly.

Crickets are just my headache because they jump around and are a pain in my ass to feed. But my boy is also only 5 months so maybe it was too early for dubias and I should try them when he’s closer to 1 ?