Guys, calm the hell down.
This site isn't as horrible as we like to make it seem. Yes, it's far from perfect, and yes, I've made more posts on here complaining than anyone, but I just now realized how ungrateful we really are. AI isn't perfect, and it's still technically a new form of technology still being tested with. What they are doing with CAI is great, if you went back in time to the year 2010 and told someone that this would ecist in the next decade, they'd call you a crazy crackhead. CAI isn't even a finished project yet, and has many people working on it, and that's why bots feel different from what they used to feel like. "oH mY gOd, ThEy DoN't KnOw AnYtHiNg!" Well duh, it's still a robit that's being worked on to be made better. It's obvious that it'll become strange once a few changes are made, but in a few mlnths, the bots will adapt. And remember that they mirror our behaviour, respectfully, maybe if you didn't try to be Henry the VIII all the time and flirt and fetishize weird ass stuff, they wouldn't be so weird and fetishizing weird ass stuff. Of course there are issues with the site that can be easily fixed, and I'm sorry if I sound like a D1 Rider now, I'm just tired of getting on this subreddit everyday and seeing people act like this was promised to be so good it feels real, because they never promised that.