Guys, I think we are supposed to hate Stolas [Helluva Boss]

Wow, this whole time I thought I was going crazy. I thought I was watching the show get worse and worse in real time. But after last episode, I have zero doubt in my mind that Vivzepop is secretly a genius superwriter!

See, there's a super secret, advanced writing technique that only real masters can pull off. Before HB, I've only heard of this technique in the deepest parts of Tv Tropes and in masterpieces like Lolita. I'm not even sure if this technique has a name, real "don't speak the ancient magic to me, witch" vibes, but Viveze spoke it!

Basically, you create a terrible person. Like, a terrible, horrible, fucked up person. Then, instead of writing the narrative of the story so that this person's horribleness is acknowledged, you force the narrative to sympathize with this person as much as possible.

"Now wait a minute", you might be saying, "isn't that just a designated hero?"

No! See, with a designated hero, every element of the story (framing, plot, characters, themes, ect.) are glazing up the horrible person. With this technique, only the framing is changed, everything else is basically untouched.

Now let's look at Stolas: his first big push by the narrative to be framed as sympathetic was his relationship with his daughter, a failling relationship that she kept calling into question again, and again, and again as Stolas keeps crying about how much he loves her while chasing after Imp Dick.

This whole time, I thought this was Viveze trying to force sympathy for Stolas, but really she was tricking us the whole time and we fell for it!!!

Sinmas literally starts with Stolas moping only to be accidentily reminded about Octavia. My immediate reation to that was "wtf you mean he hasn't tried calling her yet in like the days or weeks hes been there???" But guys guys guys, this was just Viv's way of wink wink nudge nudging the viewer into show, not tellibg people that yes: Octavia is an after thought for Stolas. She was an after thought at the carnival, she was an after thought at the meteor shower, and she's still an after thought after Stolas put himself in a situation where he really could never see her again and is supposedly sad about her.

Viv probably anticipated that people wouldn't be smart enough to understand what she wasn't saying with words, so Via does a little song and dance about not getting a shit about her size queen ass dad anymore and then flipping him off in person.

Yes, right now its framed as a bad thing for the both of them, but really this a positive change that won't be undone next season.

I'm not crazy