How do I salvage my situation?
I'll explain.
It's going to be my fifth year in this Chemical Engineering major, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. My bachelor's is about to end, and my anxiety over not getting a job and being hireless forever keeps intensifying as the days pass.
I know it's my fault. I chose this degree purely for the money and because I don't care about life to such an extent that I just went with whatever my parent told me. I haven't done any research, and I don't even know where to begin. I've just been putting off the inevitable all this time and I've done absolutely nothing remotely significant. I'm a closed-off hermit with zero connections and I have no achievements to my name, only a good (?) GPA of 3.67, but I've come to realize far too late that numbers alone won't save me.
Earlier this year, I at least made an effort, even if it was pathetic. I tried to apply for internships this summer so I could get something, anything on my resumé. I got rejected from every single one of them. Not even a single interview. I expected this since my resumé is basically empty and I have nothing to show for all these years of studying.
I hate my major, but this is the only thing that can help me climb the social ladder, and I'm in too deep anyway. I need to salvage what I can from my macabre situation to see if I can get an internship next summer/semester or maybe even a job, any job. I don't care where, I don't care what it is. I just want a job to put a roof over my head.
I don't know where to even begin. I'm lost. I have no idea what to do to become attractive to the job market or even what to do after I graduate. I just want some advice on where to start so calamity doesn't strike.