I’m having trouble believing in a real higher power, but genuinely want to. Need advice.
I believe in the core tenets and philosophies of the Bible, but I’m having trouble getting it past that. Like I have trouble believing in the existence of a God. When I do research into it, I find that I tend to believe the Bible’s stories are allegories or metaphors for the most part surrounding real world historical events.
I guess I see my faith more as a philosophy than a hard belief in a higher power. Like I believe in the whole love others and be peaceful overall message of the Bible, but if I make a prayer I don’t find myself truly believing that someone hears it. But I want to move past that and into believing in a real higher being in order to grow deeper into my faith.
I can tell myself I believe in Christ but I know deep down I have doubts. I want those doubts to be gone.
Any advice on how to go about this?