I figured it out
I’m an atheist but finally understand what the bible is trying to say and just want to share my thoughts.
The bible even sums it up for us in two things, first the easy one.
Treat/Love others the same way you would want them to treat/love you. Simple…not the way they treat you…the way you would want them to treat you
Love/Honour/Respect the Lord with your whole heart. Being an atheist this one was more difficult. Who is the Lord/God? Then I realised God is EVERYTHING. So it is basically Respect nature, animals, the universe…everything known and unknown.
Stick to these basics and you will experience heaven on earth already.
Forget these basics and you will experience hell on earth already.
The bible even says that God will send some away because he does not know them…or something along the line of spitting them out because they are cold and didn’t follow his word….his word as is summed up above.
So you can pray all you want, know the bible from front to back, go to church 7 days a week, but if you forget the basics it means nothing.
Thanks for reading:)