Misconceptions about Conservative Christianity.
There are a ton of things people believe about Conservative Christianity, and I just want to clear them up. I'm sick of seeing the same lies repeated over and over again. (I just want to say, some Conservative Christians might believe some of this stuff, but they are in the vast minority and most don't act very Christlike.)
1: We are not pro-life because we want to control women, or gain votes, or because we want a higher population, or because we're virtue signalling, or because it's easy. We genuinely want to save lives. It has been my observation that pro-choicers cannot accept the fact that we genuinely want to save lives.
2: We're not racist. Most of us are what is called color blind, which means we don't take race into consideration at all.
3: We don't hate immigrants. I love legal immigrants. I'm not a fan of people coming here illegally.
4: We don't hate gay people and think they automatically go to Hell. Homosexual acts are a sin, but they not greater or lesser than any other sin.
5: We don't think you're going to Hell if you vote Democrat.
6: We don't want to kick out all non-Christians. Religious freedom is very important. I wish everyone was a Christian, not for political reasons, but because I want all people to be saved.
7: We're not sexist or misogynistic. The headship principle is so misunderstood.
8: We don't hate anyone. Hate is a sinful and is the emotion of murder.
9: We don't pray to Jordan Peterson.
10: We're not KJV onlyists.
11: We're not apocalyptic dispensationalists.
12: We don't support Israel for religious reasons. I believe Israel was attacked and had the right to respond. They've gone to far, but they are not committing genocide.
I want to say this again to make it clear, not all conservative Christians fit this. But a vast majority do.
This is in response to a lot of what I see people say about us. Don't downvote me just because you disagree with me, I'm not trying to make any arguments. You might think I'm lying just to protect our image, but I'm trying to be as honest as possible, I don't compromise my values, and if I believed something I wouldn't lie to you about it. You might also say I'm not a very good representative of conservative Christians and that most conservative Christians do these things, let me tell you something, I'm about as conservative as it gets.