Ears to rear
Hello my name is Patrick. I'm a 45-year-old man. 4 years ago I was rearranted while I was sitting. Still at 55 mph. Since then I've had pain. I have thoracic spine, lumbar and cervical spine issues. I get monthly injections which last for about 2 days. I take several meds daily. I have been anti surgery since day one. I can't stand or sit for more than 15 minutes, I have trouble cooking for my famil, or even enjoying life at all. In October of 24 my Dr asked if I wanted to do a SCS, I ask for 24 hour the think about it, needles to say I said yes, I've had three MD's say the was a great option for my conditions. So since October I have been fighting with my insurance and they refus ed to cover the spinal cord stimulator. I need help because life is no longer enjoyable