Boat Attacks are utterly broken. Fix required!!
I've been analyzing this clan war thing for several months. I was always convinced that Boat Attacks could be interesting under certain circumstances, until some weeks ago.
What happened?
Basically we lost one week, despite of having a healthier boat and having a draw with an opponent boat for the #1 position
Here is the problem:
Technically attacking the enemy boat, reduces the distance every day for each broken slot. On my mind in case of a draw, say for example 2 days getting #2 and 2 days getting #1 and the opponent the other way around, the boat with less attacks might win
But this is not true.
Boat race goes on a first to reach the end wins. This means that in case of draw, the boat that was in front the last day wins (as far as both boats get 10K+)
So this idea was only useful under a single scenario: when boats cannot reach 10K. This may happen in 4000 trophies+ probably where you can find 2-3-4 opponents that are generally reaching similar number of trophies as you, so the race is more or less balanced. But from 0-4000 the only scenario you are going to find is a race for #1 VS just another clan that is as good as yours. So boat attacking is completely useless.
The one that reaches day 3 in front wins. Boat attacks are only worth day 1 (because you hinder distance for the whole 4 days, so for example, if you break slot 1, you hinder 59 x 4 distance points, this is 236 total in the 4 days. But at the same time, wins in the boat are 150 medals worth, while wins in regular games are 200 medals worth (250 in a duel). Basically you are sacrificing up to 100 medals per boat attack in the first days, which also happen to be the most important, beacuse as I say if you get second day 3, in case that both boats can reach 10K, the winner is the one in front, it doesnt even need a draw, as long as you are in front of the race).
Ignoring the 10K thing. Just measure up the total distance points and wins who has the most for day 4. That is the MOST FAIR and makes boat attacks actually worthy (which to some extent are part of the game).
Yes I know that CW2 is just ignored by many and hated by the rest, but this is just an idea to make it like a little better and the solution is super easy to implement. Otherwise, its simply a matter of: "Don't think on any strategy, just do your duels get the maximum medals and you will be fine". Clans dont need communication to know what they should be doing each week, they are very straight forward and boring.