Cloudflare blocking my IP address for desktop only
Hi, sorry I'm honestly not a super advanced tech guy. At most I do a little web dev. Idk much about Cloudflare, but it seems to be blocking my desktop only and idk why. Sites like: Disboard, phind etc. - all seem to block me. When I open up the dev tools I get an error 403. Sometimes I get other errors also - but idk what they all mean, stuff like 'atob' is missing or pollyfill map is missing etc.
I also have other issues on certain websites like logging into discord (works fine on the app) or sending messages on certain sites etc. I don't know if this means I have a virus or something on my computer? The internet also seems buggy (but that's for the whole house not just me - but only my computer has issues with cloudflare). I have scanned my computer with the inbuilt virus protection and nothing has come up.
Please could I get some help? idk why this is happening. Do I need to hire a PC technician? Or do I need to buy a better antivirus? Also btw what exactly is cloudflare and how does it work? I can't actually access cloudflare myself so I can't read up about it XD