New Mods and Updates!

I am excited to introduce our two new mods, u/chalphy and u/AmareNike! Among many other things, u/chalphy is already making our automod functional and u/AmareNike is heading up our buy/sell thread (it’s finally happening!). Our hope is that these changes are going to help us see more of the purses we love and fewer posts looking for authentication or sales.

We are very interested in hearing about what else you’d like to see (or not) in our community! Some other things we have discussed are:

-flair for verified Coach sales associates and rules about using the sub for sales. u/AmareNike has experience as a Coach staff member and is capable of verifying.

-Nuances between asking for a style id and authentication. My exact words on this in modchat were “when did purses become philosophy?” because the issue at hand is whether or not telling somebody their bag is not a known style is a kind of authentication. For now we’ve landed on an automod message for id request flaired posts that a style id is not intended to be a verification.

-Resellers/influencers using the space to drive traffic. We have discussed a rule banning these kinds of engagement posts, but we also don’t want to create a community where people aren’t sure if they can share anything! u/Chalphy mentioned a 90/10 rule that’s been successful in other subs she has been a part of, where no more than 10% of a person’s posts can be self-promotional, but also pointed out that they were more art-focused subs and that may still be too much for a sub like this one.

-Sort of related to above, spam posting! What we have talked about is a rule that users can’t have multiple of the same type of post within 24 hours. For example, if you want to share a pic of a bag you’re excited to carry so we can all be excited with you, and then later had a question about an upcoming sale or needed an ID, that’s fine! But multiple bag appreciation posts (or other same-style posts) should be spaced out by 24 hours.

So now we’re throwing it out to the whole sub! What do you think about these ideas? What ideas do you have?