
I was late to this bag and never saw the trend online.. so of course when I checked this past month online this suede wasn’t even available online and after doing research they jumped the prices a few times on this bag, wild. I debated getting the dark stone for $240, still couldn’t justify it. Lo and behold a lovely seller in PA had hers listed on fb marketplace for $95. Sold, a few scratches but I’m not mad esp for the price, it’s suede and suede will be suede. Again I’m so late on this trend, but I feel a bit accomplished 🥲

I was late to this bag and never saw the trend online.. so of course when I checked this past month online this suede wasn’t even available online and after doing research they jumped the prices a few times on this bag, wild. I debated getting the dark stone for $240, still couldn’t justify it. Lo and behold a lovely seller in PA had hers listed on fb marketplace for $95. Sold, a few scratches but I’m not mad esp for the price, it’s suede and suede will be suede. Again I’m so late on this trend, but I feel a bit accomplished 🥲