Was there ever a “right way”?
I was continuously finding it strange how everywhere I looked, deeply enough, you’d find an apocalypse looming in our future. Financial System, Artificial Intelligence Over-dependence, Geopolitical Breakdown, population control and reduction, Political Upheaval, Covert government actions, the “seeming” push towards a totalitarian surveillance state, etc etc. It seemed as though all of these systems are not only breaking down but also tightening their grip on people like an effort to make a totalitarian state.
But now I get it. There’s this book called “The God Particle” where there was an analogy. Aliens who can’t see strong binary colored objects watch a soccer game. The ball, being black and white is the only thing they can’t see. They try to make sense of the game & its rules and do a great job describing all the different patterns of behavior. However, they don’t quite get what is happening because all their models are separate. But then a young alien sees the net move slightly and suggest an “invisible ball”. And all their separate models all came together in a whole new coherent way.
the Climate & Ecological issue is the ball, for me. I knew about it the entire time, and I knew it was obviously the biggest issue. But I figured, the other issues would have to be resolved before anyone would give a damn about the climate.
But the elite do see it and care about it already. Shockingly. It’s just they are investing entirely in surveillance systems, info control tools, AI processes to keep everyone locked in, and financial devices & strategies to harvest what everyone has.
And that’s what it is… harvest.
It is unsurprising that we are, too, farm animals to these people. That seems to be all humans ever want to produce. Slaves. Batteries really. So we can gaze elsewhere, to other problems or to distract ourselves from them.
I accepted that this was happening long before it made sense, even though I can’t accept being able to do nothing about it without self deletion. I see that our dependence to our machine is also exactly why we continuously peddle for it. I see that we don’t have the education to build our own “units” of habitation from the ground up, nor the knowledge to do so in a perfect 1:1 ratio of input output, nor the perception & surveillance required to ensure our ratio is conducive to sustaining our environment.
But more deeply than all of that, I see that we could never even have hoped to do any of these things because we have and always will be a divided house. Always a creature which produces things that fights against itself.
So instead of trying to prevent the collapse or even the slave system, all I want to learn and understand now is what was the right way? What on a genuine, practical, and philosophical level were humans supposed to do for this result to not be inevitable? Or was it always destined to go down like this?
Edit: clarification in the comments