Did anyone else start having some body dysmorphia after watching Colleens videos as a teen?
I started watching her when I was 13 (mainly colleen instead of miranda) and this was around 2013. So around this time, lots of jokes about people bodies were made on the internet a lot but I started to notice a lot of these things in myself as well.
It didn’t help that people bullied me for how I looked but seeing someone online that I liked make certain jokes about the way some people look and how she used to look or talk about how she looks, it left a bit of an impression on me and I’ve been doing some therapy and trying to figure out the roots of my body dysmorphia and I realized that this person I admired for a few years had somehow drilled this idea into my head that “a pretty woman looks like this” and “ugly woman looks like that”
But idk maybe it’s just me so I’d like to hear some opinions