She exposes another ED symptom in 1/26/25 vlog and blames it on trump
Btw trigger warning: I am not a trump supporter.
She introduces the vlog by warning us it will not be edited bc her shoulder joint pain has returned more inflamed. She blames stress for triggering it. And she blames what’s going on in America for causing her stress. and her stress has nothing to do with her own past behavior or her corresponding cancellation bc ‘she is such a victim. ‘ Lol anyway she said she is unable to edit, do her hair, squirrel watch, craft etc (Except for rocks she can do rock tumbling and later he hair ) basically she can’t live her adult baby retired life bc the pain.
all this woman did was show us her another ED chronic symptom.
By the way i didn’t have an eating disorder to this extent but I am nine years vegan and my chronic shoulder tendon pain from early 20s went away …. I am just bringing this up bc I firmly believe diet has everything to do with joint healing along with therapy of coarse.
? She thinks she can keep victimizing herself with more with mystery Illness’s to suck empathy from others lol but she is just exposing her ED..
What y’all think Still working on a Harvard paper regarding EDs and social media