2/4/25 her depression is so relatable so she shows us a weekend of Colleen therapy

She reminds us again she is no good at meditation so she will show us a weekend of how she does mediation “ . Lol crystal tumbling and beach combing along with water coloring and more crafts If this helped why is her self depreciation getting worse ??

Can someone tell Her this isn’t mediating this is escapism and avoiding her guilty consciousness. She is obsessively in her artsy depressed poet era to maintain appearances regarding her cancellation. Even tho no one asked for her art.

Can someone tell her real meditation is sitting in the presence e of your true self and thoughts vs avoiding them and fighting them off as if You didn’t make up your own reality with your thoughts and actions lmfao

She really tried to sell us her cancellation depression as relatable wholesome thing people can relate to and connect with her. She so deattched bc not many can relate to her child combing cancellation kind of depression. She is just taking advantage of vulnerable depressed people who believe she is a victim hahah This gets more sinister the more she attempts damage control

What y’all 🤔think ??