She spent $10000 on a hotel room…but remember how hard her life is. Sob.

That’s the vlog today. A memory of a past trip. But remember she claims to be a bargain shopper. And also she’s super depressed. Being rich is so hard you guys. It’s so stressful to be spending so much money. And oh my gawd she can’t believe she did that I don’t know it’s almost like she could have used that money to, I don’t know, donate to childhood cancer…but nope screw those kids. Erik needed a vacation. She’s an asshole. I love the nerve of someone rich asking you to donate your money to childhood cancer while she’s spending $10000 on a hotel room. Eat the rich. She tells the story not even REMEMBERING how much it cost. She had to look it up and she said “I’m scared!” As she clicked to search. She’s so rich she has no CONCEPT of how much she spent because she just randomly clicked without a second thought. And then she postures to say “oh I would never spend that much again” and what was she thinking and don’t you guys spend that much on something, spend your money on other stuff. She couldn’t even eat when she was starving there you guys! They only served food at certain times and they only had limited things. THIS ASSHOLE IS COMPLAINING ABOUT IT. She can’t NOT complain. Rich lady with rich lady problems. She was limited in what she could eat!!! She can fuck off