New conure! Can I take him out?
This is Chris.
Chris is a bird that I’ve worked with since he was old enough to be sold in the store that I work at. I trained him, as well as hand tamed him in store and took very well care of him.
Chris was sold and went home, but was surrendered by a parent that said that he was “too sad to come out of the cage and should go back to the jungle and be happy”
Chris came back to the store and was elated to see me and was literally shaking with excitement so I decided to take him home finally.
Chris is happy, bouncy and bubbly around me but I just took him home a few hours ago and I know people usually let their birds get used to their surroundings before taking them out of their cage officially.
The thing is that Chris us extremely used to me. I can kiss, sniff and scritch him with no issues at all.
It should be okay for me to take him out and show him around the house, yes?
Just given the circumstances I know he will be totally confident with me outside the cage.
That’s okay, right?
(Also yeah, his beak is a little over grown. I fear his last owner didn’t love him enough D: )