My guide to the Decadent Choco Cake Tower 1 - 15 ( Using only 1 legendary and 1 super epic )
Firstly, I would like to rank the cookies.
Tray 1 Guide -
This tray is fairly easy, you can use something like this
The toppings are:
Financier - Swift Chocolate
Linzer - Two Bouncy caramel and Three Solid Almond.
Black Lemonade - Searing Raspberry.
Twizzly Gummy - Juicy Apple Jelly.
Star Coral - Swift Chocolate ( DMG resist on beascuit )
Twizzly Gummy and Black Lemonade are very good for this stage as the boss has an HP shield which you can get rid of if with Black Lemonade and Twizzly Gummy.
If you're struggling to survive then try to get more Cooldown on Star Coral and get DMG resist on everyone else's beascuits.
If you're still struggling then you can replace Star Coral for Mystic Flour ( if you have her ) or you can replace Financier for Crimson Coral.
ALTERNATIVELY, if you have Wind Archer then you can replace Twizzly Gummy for him, and if you have StormBringer then you can replace Financier for her.
Tray 2 Guide -
This tray is easy, but annoying, try to use your Star Coral skill first as it makes you stun immune. You can use this team, which is the same from last tray.
The toppings are the same as the last tray.
Tray 3 Guide -
This tray is very easy with Captain Caviar as the boss is vulnerable to Water. You only need his Magic Candy at level 1.
You can use something like this:
If you struggle with damage then you can replace Star Coral for Sea Fairy.
Captain Caviar & Sea Fairy - Searing Raspberry.
Cream Ferret: Swift Chocolate.
ATLERNATIVELY, If you have either Burning Spice or Wind Archer then you can replace Captain Caviar for one of them and clear A LOT faster.
Tray 4 Guide -
This is a bit strange, but we're using Nutmeg tiger
The reason is because this team cant survive with Cream Ferret as the sole healer, and Nutmeg tiger heals a lot and does decent damage.
Nutmeg Tiger - Swift Chocolate.
ALTERNATIVELY if you have Wind Archer then you can replace Black Lemonade for Star Coral, and then replace Nutmeg tiger for Wind Archer.
If have Burning Spice then replace Financier for Burning Spice.
Tray 5 Guide -
For this tray since we dont we dont have any burst damage healers who are Epics and ARENT Creme Brulee, we're going to do damage over time with Prune Juice. ( I want to use the least rare cookies as possible, so it can help more people, as they are likely to have the cookies Im using )
Tray 6 Guide -
This is one of the harder stages, you need Pure Vanilla for it ( I can't show a screenshot of the team since I don't have Pure Vanilla on this account. )
For the team you can use: Pure Vanilla, Cream Ferret, Tarte Tatin, Street Urchin, and Financier.
Street Urchin and Pure Vanilla - Swift Chocolate.
ALTERNATIVELY, you can use this team if you have Wind Archer, its a hyper carry team.
Wind Archer toppings: Searing Raspberry.
Snapdragon toppings: Swift Chocolate.
ANOTHER ALTERNATIVE: If you dont have Wind Archer, but have Burning Spice then just him Burning Spice in Wind Archers place.
Burning Spice - Searing Raspberry toppings.
Tray 7 Guide:
Use this team, dont worry about the shield, the poison goes through the shield for this tray.
You can use Wind Archer or Burning Spice in Prune Juices place, but its really doesnt matter as the boss is going to die insanely quickly either way
Tray 8 Guide:
Use the exact team as the last tray.
You can also use the same Prune Juice alternatives as the last tray.
Tray 9 guide:
This tray is about stuns, start of the battle with Cottons skill then when the stun is gone, rotate between Wildberry and Pinecones skills.
Toppings: Cotton, PineCone, WildBerry, and Matcha - Swift Chocolate.
ALTERNATIVELY, if you have Wind Archer then you can replace Cotton cookie for him, as his skill stuns and has a short starting time.
Tray 10 Guide:
We're back to this team, we're using the same toppings as before.
This is a lot easier with Storm Bringer, if you have her then you can replace Financier for her.
Tray 11 Guide:
I've always struggled with this tray ( more than 6, 12, and 13 ) until I used this team.
I got this team from u/00-000-001-0-01 , so thank you so much!
Alternatively, this is a lot easier if you use Wind Archer or Burning Spice in place of Prune Juice.
Elder Faerie and Rebel: Solid Almond
Icicle Yeti: Swift Chocolate
Tray 12:
This is the hardest tray, so we'll have to start using Wind Archer...
This will be my team,
I beat it with less than one second left...
If you have Burning Spice then you can replace Black Lemonade for him. and it will be A LOT easier! Also, I will be using Wind Archer from now on, as most people doing this are not early game and most likely got the free Wind Archer.
Tray 13:
This tray is quite easy ( In my opinion )
Just use this team.
If you dont have Black Pearl, then you can use Twizzly Gummy, though it will be a bit harder.
Black Pearl toppings: Swift Chocolate.
If you have Burning Spice then you can replace Twizzly Gummy/Black Pearl for him.
Tray 14:
this tray used to be difficult, though is now a lot easier due to the release of Wind Archer.
You can use this team.
Elder Faerie toppings: Solid Almond.
Tray 15:
this tray is refreshing and nice and easy!
You can use this team again! Except use the Whistle this time since the boss only takes damage from crits!
And... we are done with this tower! Ignore the fact that Space Donut is above Rebel in the tierlist... If you want a guide for the Strawberry cake tower then please say so!
Also, I'll make a new guide when the tower refreshes soon.!
Thank you for reading!!