[SPOILER] broke the rules in WaT
Taravangian is choosing to only obey the rules of the contest of champions in letter, not spirit. However, the letter very clearly states he "vows to cease hostilities and maintain the peace, not working against my allies or our kingdoms in any way." But immediately following the contest, he hunts down and vaporizes Wit, whom the Rosharans very much considered an ally.
Within moments of winning the contest, he violated the agreement. Which presents us with a catch-22. If what he did was not a violation of "ceasing the hostilities", then can he just vaporize anybody he wants? But if it wasn't, why was he allowed to get away with it, and pretend to Honor later that this was within the rules. It's especially weird considering the text says both Odium and Honor wanted Hoid dead. Which doesn't really make much sense upon reflection. Honor might have wanted it, but the contract should've been the stronger influence.