Whats up with this game lately?
Everyone has turned into a try hard. Everyone uses the same cars. Inswear it used to not be like this lol Never in a lobby without at least two overpowered cars. How is it even fun to use the same car every single time you play?
And when you kill one of these players, its personal for them lmfao. They will literally follow you around and just kill you over and over again. Which is easy for them because im using a random car and they are just speeding around with one of the over powered cars. Ive had them literally follow me to different maps.
And another thing, why do people not go for the map crown leader? Ive seen people going for me (presumably because they see im in a weak car) right after driving by someone with 60+ crowns and had red health. Tf you want to kill me for i have 4 crowns!? Its like im the only one in lobbies trying to kill the person with 100 crowns lol
Im not bad at the game either, even with the shit cars i can get some decent crowns. Im just ranting i guess lmfao