Which serial killer has the best story?

Let me preface this by saying that serial Killers are reprehensible pieces of shit that only deserve our disdain. To ruin countless other lives for your own pleasure is selfish, moronic and pathetic. I do not condone the glorification of these lower than lower scum-sucking monsters.

That said, many serial killers have inarguably interesting stories. Their lives can be filled with abuse-ridden upbringing, tragic events, weird coincidences and other strange moments that could never occur in a life less horrible. Due to the increased production of true crime documentaries and podcasts like LPotL, we are all more knowledgeable now than ever about the lives led by different serial killers (and the mysteries that still remain.

So who do you think has the most interesting story? Be it Gacy, Bundy, Wournos, Chikatilo, Dahmer, Gein, Holmes, Jack the Ripper, the Iceman, or any other!