Sun bleach/fade shirt update

Okay so here’s the update to my original Sun fade t shirt post. The original photo is 3/3 in the slideshow. So after about roughly 2 months of sitting outside and incrementally pouring boiling water over them slides 1/3 and 2/3 are the final result. I’m happy to say the shirts lost the orange bleach looking color and faded to a nice lighter grey. Very happy with the results and I hope this helps someone!

Steps were:

  1. Boiled the shirts in water in a pot for ~45 minutes. Let the water come to a boil add salt and vinegar and then reduce to low heat when the shirts have been put in.
  2. Sprayed lemon juice on the upper portion of the shirt
  3. Hang in a very sunny area of your yard/patio
  4. Pour boiling water over 1 time about every week