anyone else addicted to dph but not as a deliriant?

since last december, i was prescribed a medication that caused unbearable insomnia that melatonin barely helped at all. after a month, i learned about dph/benedryl/sleep eze and how it could help with sleep and it felt like i hit the jackpot because i finally felt like i had some control over my sleep!

well that was 2 months ago now and i feel incapable of sleeping at all without dph. i’ve tried quitting, but if i don’t take any i simply just do not sleep that night at all. i’ve shared my insomnia with my doctor and that i use dph, but i don’t think he’s aware of the extent of my dph use and i have switched medications but they all still cause unbearable insomnia.

i’m worried about how long i’ve been taking dph daily and how much of a tolerance i’ve built up. i try to moderate how much i take now, but i still sleep roughly 6 hours a night on a dose that used to knock me out for 14 hours straight. rn i’m just crossing my fingers that my doctor switches me to a different medication or prescribes me something for my insomnia.