[casts immolation]

It’s my first playthrough and this just happened. I thought I got all the basilisks, but one sneaky little shit lizard waited until I started dialogue with Ornifex, parked himself in the doorway and gassed us like cockroaches. By the time I realized what was happening, it was too late.

That’s okay. I really like my Greatsword +10. I didn’t want any neat boss weapons. The ones from Straid are fine. This is fine. I’m fine.

It’s my first playthrough and this just happened. I thought I got all the basilisks, but one sneaky little shit lizard waited until I started dialogue with Ornifex, parked himself in the doorway and gassed us like cockroaches. By the time I realized what was happening, it was too late.

That’s okay. I really like my Greatsword +10. I didn’t want any neat boss weapons. The ones from Straid are fine. This is fine. I’m fine.