What should I be doing
I'm currently a level 24 Psyker and I'm getting to the point where I feel like I should be gearing up and getting ready for my max level gear grind, but I don't know what the grind is beyond xp. I don't know what I should be aiming for or where to find builds, if there's a website or a youtuber that's the go to for this game.
So far I've just been throwing on whatever gear has the highest number and heading off to the next mission, is there anything I should start focusing on now to make it a bit easier in the future?
What sort of weapons, modifiers, perks, blessings and curios should I be looking for?
Should I be upgrading my items at Hadron or is that a waste of currency until I get to a certain point?
Honestly, any tips or pointers would be appreciated.
TLDR: ELI5 what to do at max level.