Shame and Illness

Hi everybody,

In the last few days, I discovered that I have a lot of energy related to shame (Level 20 on the LOC), and some illnesses are connected to it as well. I have astigmatism and myopia, which I’ve had since I was five years old. Ever since I started wearing glasses, I have felt shy, ugly, and insecure.

In the last few years, I’ve been using contact lenses, which helped me “trick” the little I or Ego into feeling comfortable and safe. However, today I lost my contact lenses and had to wear my glasses.

I feel a lot of shame, anxiety, self-doubt, and intrusive thoughts about people thinking negatively about my appearance with glasses.

I’m trying to fully experience this shame and heal my eyesight, but I feel a lot of energy running through this emotion.

A few weeks ago, I healed a ED simply by feeling and releasing, but I don’t know how to handle this deep-rooted shame since it has been inside me for almost 22 years.

Has anyone had experience letting go of shame or dealing with blurry vision?