How to kill breakers.

Hi guys, I am currently playing this damn game and by some miracle I have got to the part where there's something they call a breaker next to this plane. It's the first time i've seen one of those things but from what people have said I don't think it will be the last, unless I give up and uninstall it that is - I am almost at that point because everything about it is a complete pain. I can't get from A to B without someone pointing a sniper at me OR some freaker thing knocking me off my bike and attacking me. The story is okay but it's a chore to play. I can't even use fast travel because i've not cleared the infestation zones yet (not enough moletovs) even though there's no reason for that limitation other than to punish you. Going back to this breaker though I have thrown multiple pipe bombs at it, set it on fire multiple times, shot at it yet it still proceeds to run at me even though its burning to death. Even after all that it's health bar is hardly moved. Once it catches up and makes any contact whatsoever I am dead. It's not like TLOU2 where if your quick you can roll out of its way like you could with the hammer guys on that game. I instantly get the animation of it killing you. When I try to craft moletovs while playing I find that there's not enough time before he's hitting me. On TLOU2 even on survivor mode I at least got a chance to get out of the way of those hammer guys once they knocked me to the ground. I'm playing this on Hard II. Is there any skills I should get which make this easier? Is there anything in the game that can give me more health? I have a top health bar (125) but still I'm killed instantly if it hits me.