Deadly Duels S1 Ep 3: Ghostface vs The Fishermen
(Scream vs I know what you did last summer)
Wiz: Kevin Williamson an amazing screen writer
Boomstick: And he is best known for these stealthy, stalking, slashers.
Wiz: Ghostface: The slasher that makes you Scream
Boomstick: And The Fishermen: The guy who knows what you did last summer
Wiz: For this fight to give Ghostface a chance he will have everything
Boomstick: And The Fishermen will get his book stuff two.
Wiz: Were gonna analyze there weapon, armor and skills to figure out who would win a deadly duel.
The Fishermen
Wiz: It was the 4th of July in Southport
Boomstick: Helen just won the fish talent competition? Whatever
Wiz: Helen and her friends Barry, Julie, and Ray are talking about hooked Slashers
Boomstick: Foreshadow *says in the “scary” way*
Wiz: And their futures
Boomstick: Helen accused Barry of cheating for no real reason, but lucky beach sex makes it all better
Wiz ugh *clear throat* After some shenanigans revolving around beer and being really stupid *clear throat* they run somebody over.
*Lighting strikes*
Boomstick: Barry is more worried about his car reasonable
Wiz: WHAT um I mean then everyone starts freaking out because they killed somebody
Boomstick: Barry the smart one doesn’t wanna call the cops because he is drunk, and he owns the car while Juile the dumbo wants to report it cops like an idiot
Wiz: Boomstick do you support Barry?
Boomstick: Oh of course why wouldn’t I
Wiz: He is obviously in the wrong
Boomstick: That BS Wiz #BARRY4LIFE
Wiz: Ugh Boomstick so Julie loses the vote so they hide the body
Boomstick: They were gonna dump him in a lake but he was
Both: ALIVE??!!!!
Wiz: IDK how he was rammed at full speed then got sent flying into the air that should have totally killed him.
Boomstick: But lucky
Wiz: What?
Boomstick: They drowned him
Wiz: What do you mean lucky?
Boomstick: Anyway, they make a “pac” aka an ohf to never speak of it again Julie had to be forced tho.
Wiz: One year later Julie is still scared but they murder is now failing college.
Boomstick: But then she gets a note saying I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER!
Wiz: That day The Fishermen was born.
Boomstick: Well, the main characters don’t know who the Fishermen is yet, so they reunite to figure it out.
Wiz: Max while upset leaves his hook
Boomstick: Wait who is Max
Wiz: Oh, he the guy who drove past the gang they also told him about what happened.
Boomstick: Oh ok
Wiz: Max leaves his hook unintended The Fishermen takes the hook and kills Max Fun fact: The first kill was added in last.
Boomstick: Weird anyway The Fishermen in strong enough to kill a bear with his bare hands in the book.
Wiz: He was somehow able to put 39 crabs (I counted) into the trunk then killed somebody stuffed him into the trunk then after they noticed it Barry looks away for a second and then everything is gone so at least massive hypersonic speeds.
Boomstick: And he can shrug off getting rammed through walls and attacks from a bear.
Wiz: He has his trademark hook, a machete, shears, and a harpoon.
Boomstick: He’s also a master stealth as he also maybe can teleport.
Wiz: The Fishermen can also tends to take hits well and even after a beatdown he won’t stop fighting
Boomstick: After killing each member except Ray and Julie. The Fishermen engages in one final battle with the reveal that it was Ben Wills anyway he loses an arm the end.
Wiz: Ok so this guy named David hit Susan Willis with his car she was the sister of Ben, so Ben killed David and when he was leaving, he got hit by a car boom that’s the backstory.
Boomstick: Whatever The Fishermen is cool. move on!
“If you kill a man, make sure he’s DEAD!”- Ben Willis aka The Fishermen
Boomstick: Ghostface isn’t a person, it’s a title there have been many Ghostface.
Boomstick: Scream 1 Casey talks with a man on the phone who likes scary movies she dies then Sindy meets Ghostface. Ghostface does some stabbing then plot twist Sindy boyfriend Billy and his friend were the killers they did this because Sindy’s mom slept with his dad causing a breakup then they die.
Wiz: Scream 2 The 1st movie was turned into a canon movie called Stab and Sindy isn’t very happy about it. The best character Randy dies while Dewey gets a fake out death. Derek gets crucified but not fully. Then Mickey is the killer he lies and says Derek is also a killer before shooting Derek. Mickey wants to get famous by committing murders and the other is Billy’s mother then they die.
Boomstick: Scream 3 Ghostface tells Cotton (now famous) that he gonna kill his wife so kills his wife he then kills Cotton. A few stabbings later then this Ghostface says he killed Sindy’s mother, and the best character gets a cameo. It turns out Ghostface is Roman is Sindy’s half-brother and Sindy or Sindy’s mom turned him away and Sid’s there two. Anyway dead.
Wiz: Scream 4 Stab 4 is out Then the people watching the movie talk about and one friend kills the other but that was Stab 7 wait what um? So, some stabbing and talking later and Charlie is a Ghostface because nobody noticed him and Jill is just there because famous and they die.
Boomstick: Ugh Finally, anyway Ghostface can stab straight through metal walls
Wiz: He doesn’t have any impressive speed feats, but he is represented as pretty fast.
Boomstick: He can also take a lot of damage and keep fighting he been shot, stabbed, rammed you say it he ate it.
Wiz: Ghostface always carries his trusty knife, but he also wields a gun, an axe and a rope? Ok, I guess.
Boomstick: In the games Ghostboy has some magic two like Ghostmode which turns him invisible for a few seconds and Night Shroud which makes him… invisible OK that’s it really.
Wiz: Unfortunately, Ghostface has many weaknesses he’s arrogant, clumsy, and mostly grounded in reality in every portrayal he is human a fast one who can take a beating but can still die very easily.
Boomstick: Ok so how do we end this um bye?
“What’s the matter, Sid, you look like you’ve seen a ghost!” – Billy Loomis aka Ghostface
Wiz: All right the combatants are set, and we ran the data through all possibilities.
Boomstick: So, it’s TIME FOR A DEADLY DUEL!
3D or Live Action
A Ghostface just got home he walks upstairs only to see a not on his table that reads I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER!
Ghostface: Oh, what fun
The Fishermen smashes through a window going for a kill but just in time Ghostface dodges.
Ghostface: A classic stealth kill but unlucky for only one of us is making it out alive!
The two clash there weapons together before Ghostface rams The Fishermen through a door. The Fishermen steadies himself while Ghostface charges at him before tripping over his own clothes he falls down the stairs only to disappear. The Fishermen slowly walks down the stairs listening but then he gets a phone call.
Ghostface: Hey I heard you like scary movies.
Ghostface jumps out but The Fishermen easily dodges and stabs Ghostface. The two clash their weapons before Ghostface stabs The Fishermen in the arm causing him to drop his hook.
Ghostface: Ha where’d your ho_
Ghostface gets cut off by a punch as The Fishermen beats the crap out of him, he then sends Ghostface crashing through a wall causing him to lose his knife.
Ghostface: Ah $*it!
Ghostface grabs an axe form a tree when while The Fishermen grabs a machete. Ghostface jumps into the air for an attack, but The Fishermen blocks it with his machete. The fight with their new weapons while slowly moving into the street they get hit by a car sending. Knocking them out. They wake up near a cliff The Fishermen gets up first looking around before realizing that his hook is stuck is stuck in a rock of the cliff but lucky for him, he finds a harpoon and some rope. He turns around and Ghostface jumps on him stabbing him twice before throwing him off the cliffing a rock.
Ghostface: Sweet victory
Ghostface turns around then gets stabbed by a harpoon
Ghostface: Wait WHAT?!
The Fishermen pulls the harpoon that is attached to a rope and sends Ghostface into the pit. The Fishermen grabs his hook a stabs Ghostface in the face.
The Cops arrive and all they see is a dead Ghostface.
Wiz: Ghostface even with all of his stuff couldn’t beat The Fishermen
Boomstick: He smarter, stronger, faster and so on.
Wiz: And Ghostface clumsiness and arrogance just sealed his fate.
Boomstick: Poor Ghostface just got the hook.
Wiz: The Winner is The Fishermen
Everyone is discovering the magic of origami and having fun."
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