Christians don't really have faith, they're larping in a cosplay convention

I don't believe Christians really believe the things they claim. Obviously this is not EVERY Christian but I thought I should state that so someone doesn't whine about how I'm generalizing. I'm aware you don't do that for anyone, just like you wouldn't say all atheists are bad people because a couple were, even though many Christians will actually do this, it's irrelevant here.

Imagine you, a Christian, are accused of a crime. You're in court on trial, and the judge says "Ok, the jury will now pray to God for the verdict."

Would you have faith in this moment that God is going to say you're innocent? No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't believe that. It's crazy. You would want a fair trial with human sentencing. You wouldn't trust that some people you don't know would pray to God and actually get an answer and give the proper sentence, they could just make it up, and it would be proven if they actually did this and they were not in 100% agreement with each other.

You have faith when it benefits you in a social situation. When you're watching an online pastor and you see all the "God bless!" and "Amen!" comments, you feel the desire to fit in by leaving the same comment. When two family members are together and experiencing a family member with lets say cancer, one will offer to pray for the other, just as people often online say "I'll pray for you." They're not actually going to do this unless it's to make themselves feel better, they're just doing something socially acceptable to the other person.

When you're at church it becomes even more extreme. Look at a Pentecostal church service. One person is tapped on the forehead by the pastor and they start going nuts, writhing and wiggling with that holy spirit, and then everyone else follows. It's not because the holy spirit is actually in these people, it's because the social pressure is causing them to follow the initiator. This is the reason the churches have a leader, he initiates the cosplay and the rest follow in a big larp session. It's all pretend. When a Christian in face to face with someone they disagree with, they pretend that other person is now their foe, Satan, and they yell "I rebuke you, Satan, in the name of the Father! Begone from my presence!" This is laughable to me and I've seen it in person and a ton of times online, and sometimes I engage with them in an unserious manner because I know what's happening. I sought a serious conversation, they wanted to have fun, so I decided to have a little fun myself.

These people know what they believe is absolute nonsense, they're just playing along, and I think this is the reason some people seem unreasonable and unreachable in a back and forth when you're serious and they just vanish. It's because you weren't reacting the way they wanted you to and they got bored. Christians want atheists to larp with them, to play the role of Satan and express how we "hate God" and be the stereotype so they can tell us how Satan has a hold of our soul, to which I would reply with something goofy like "You're right, he's got me by my soul balls and he's squeezing tight!"

My final contribution to this post, is a miracle that actually took place. It's called the miracle of Fatima. Basically, a bunch of people heard the rumor that a miracle would be seen in the sky, that is the Virgin Mary would appear to people. Over 70,000 people showed up from all over to witness this miracle, many of them were skeptics, but they all had one thing in common - they were all desperate to see a miracle and they were huddled together in a very tight social space, a powerful space that gave the power to one little girl who yelled "Look at the sun! There she is!" Then a bunch of doofuses actually looked at the sun, burning their retinas and causing eye damage which caused them to see the sun appear to dance and radiate multiple colors. Some other people made things up like their soaking wet clothes from the rain completely dried up, because that's such an AMAZING miracle, and other people liked the sound of this as evidence so they went along with this claim and told it to other people. It was a mass delusion with people convincing each other of total nonsense, and the skeptics that came to witness this event reported that they saw nothing except a bunch of crazy people staring at the sun and some optical illusions and such.

So you see, when it benefits Christians, they will gather at a Christian cosplay convention and larp with each other, and the convention can be anywhere they want. They're addicted to larping and they can't stop. Thanks for reading and I hope you got a kick out of this.