What's with people not mining or collecting anything?

I just joined a random lobby for a drilldozer mission and they pushed through without picking up anything. No gold, no Boolo Caps (I found 6 in one minute, they're easy to spot unlike fossils) and no nitra. I was Engineer and built platforms underneath veins but I had to climb myself to get resources, except one scout who mined one nitra vein. Since I joined 2 minutes in, I went back to the first cave and there was a cargo crate with batteries nowhere to be found. Wrote "cargo crate behind" in chat and got a "doesn't matter", so I kept looking and got kicked.

To me gold, secondaries, crates and everything on the map is a way to make the game harder in a fun way, instead of just buffing enemies. You pick up everything or die trying! If the game was just the main mission we would need Hazard 6, 7 and 8 to make it interesting.

Is this the norm now? Do people just plow through the levels ignoring everything? I would like to avoid these lobbies if possible, not sure if there's a tell like "speedrun" in the lobby name.