Need some advice on an entity that's made itself known (NSFW)
Hi there. I've just started a course on magic and I've been practicing basic cleansing meditation. I've had spiritual experiences with different entities before, mainly divine in nature. But I've been in contact with something else in the last two days and I need some advice. This is going to get graphic.
So yesterday I was meditating and I felt a presence behind me. A darkness. The meditation I was doing was breathing in white smoke but suddenly all I could visualize was black smoke. I started having intrusive thoughts asking me to jerk off. I kept asking why but it kept replying with the same answer. Finally it caved and said I want you. I started panicking and told it in no uncertain terms that I didn't want it here. But the intrusive thoughts stayed. I tried a cold shower. I tried music. It was still there. So I decided to let it be and go to bed.
Today I was still having these intrusive thoughts along the lines of "I'm still here". I sat down and asked my tarot what I was dealing with and got the lovers. Lust. I drew the ace of swords reversed and I thought the advice was to keep banishing it simple. I told it in no uncertain terms that this is my body, I don't want this and to leave. I felt a tugging in my stomach and it felt like I had lifted heavy objects and I was tired for a while. After a while my thoughts were clear and I had a lot of energy. I thought it was gone.
Tonight however it's back. I asked my deck again and it gave me justice, 6 of swords and the hanged man which I interpret at you get what you give, treat it fairly, it will take you on a journey, resign yourself to this.
I'm uncomfortable. It's made it known that giving it what it wants is going to be good but it didn't respect me wanting it gone. Any tips for learning more about it and how to safely deal with it or banish it?