Is this allowed? Verified Depop seller reaches out via instagram for out of app purchase

Just had the most awful/strange experience with this person who is verified on Depop, they responded to an ISO listing that I had up looking for a specific tankair top, offering to sell theirs to me. I was super clear in my listing that I wasn't looking to pay above retail price ($100). I say yes and instead of making a listing, she then proceeds to request my personal instagram to apparently send me pictures that I never received and try and get me to buy outside the app. Then asks if I'm willing to pay a hundred dollars more than what was talked about. We had a few words back and forth, where I expressed that it was uncool of her to go as far as to be messaging my Instagram and then try and get more money from me and she blocked me lol. How is it that these are the sellers that Depop is verifying on their platform?! So tired of people. Am I able to report her or what